We Need Your Support
Golden Crescent CASA, Inc »Your sponsorship directly benefits the children in the community!
Every child has a chance – It’s You!
Members of the annual supporter donation pledge financial support to ensure that Golden Crescent CASA has the means to recruit, train, and retain volunteers who will be appointed Guardian Ad Litem by local judges to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children – making sure that these children do not languish in the foster care system, receive needed services in a timely manner, and are placed in nurturing and permanent homes. As a member, you will receive invitations to all CASA events and sponsor details based on the level of support you wish to provide.
$1,000 -Your name listing on event materials, 2 tickets to the annual Wine Pairing and Christmas Home Tour.
$2,500 -All sponsor benefits above PLUS: 2 extra entries (4 total) at the annual events and a social media thank you.
$5,000 -All sponsor benefits above PLUS: 4 extra entries (8 total) at the annual events, social media features, and logo on digital promotion of CASA.
$7,500 -All sponsor benefits above PLUS: 4 extra entries (12 total) at the annual events, social media features for 12 months, and logo on all promotions and the website.
Thank you for your support!