Golden Crescent CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) was established in 1995 with the mission to protect and defend the most vulnerable among us. Our sworn child advocates are given constant support and guidance by professional staff as they undergo training in child development, communication, and cultural competency skills. We are made up of, and for, the community.
Currently, Golden Crescent CASA serves as Guardian ad Litem for children in foster care in Calhoun, DeWitt, Goliad, Gonzales, Jackson, Lavaca, Refugio, and Victoria counties. Each CASA provides dedicated support on a one-to-one basis through services, treatment, and placement, allowing the child, their family, all the professionals involved to develop a trusting and nurturing relationship with the volunteer.
Impact for Children
CASA volunteers stay by a child’s side throughout the case, advocating first for reunification when safe and
possible. If reunification is not safe or possible, CASA volunteers will advocate for the child to be adopted by, or live with, other relatives or family friends. If that is also not possible, CASA volunteers will work towards adoption
by a non-relative.
No matter what, CASA volunteers will keep in contact with the support network until the case closes so that
everyone continues to put the child’s best interests first.
Mission Statement
CASA Volunteers support children and families involved in the child welfare system. At Golden Crescent CASA, our mission is to utilize trained volunteers appointed by the court to advocate for the best interests of the children and families we serve.
Our Volunteers
A Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer gathers information from everyone involved in a child’s daily life, including members of the child’s family, foster parents, teachers, lawyers, social workers and other relevant persons.
Then, they report to a judge in order to advocate for the child’s best interests.
Ideally, CASA volunteers will work towards reuniting the child with their family of origin whenever safe, and if reunification is not possible, they may recommend placing the child with extended family or family friends.
CASA volunteers, like the children they help, come from all walks of life.
CASA Staff
Linda (Lyn) Duenes, Executive Director, lduenes@goldencrescentcasa.org
Diana Sneed, Program Director, dianas@goldencrescentcasa.org
Esmeralda Salinas, Development Director, esmeraldas@goldencrescentcasa.org
Sonia Solis, Office Manager, gccasa@goldencrescentcasa.org
Charlene Moreno, Community Engagement Specialist, charlenem@goldencrescentcasa.org
Leticia Lechuga, Volunteer Supervisor Dewitt, Calhoun, and Jackson Counties, leticial@goldencrescentcasa.org
Christine Fraire, Volunteer Supervisor Victoria County, ctovar@goldencrescentcasa.org
Flora Hernandez, Volunteer Supervisor Refugio, Goliad, Victoria Counties, fhernandez@goldencrescentcasa.org
Darla Sanders, Volunteer Supervisor DeWitt, Gonzales and Lavaca Counties, dsanders@goldencrescentcasa.org
Tracy Post Gore, President
Nick Perez, Vice President
Tammy Kotzur, Secretary
Erica Bancuch, Director
Amanda Bedgood-Collins, Director
Jeanie Bauer, Director
Luther Easley, Director
Celeste Hunter, Director
Regina May, Director
Tyre Post, Director
Virginia Post, Director
Mia Talley, Director
Debra Roeder
Jeanie Bauer
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- to improve Golden Crescent CASA services;
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